
Allan Daniel Morrison

I have previous experience with the reserve forces. I have a keen interest in security and protection and wish to learn more.I hope to assertain the required skills to further a career in the security industry.
I find myself to be good at learning and with the correct training i could learn skills vital to working within the security industry. I have already made an impact within my current role as security officer implementing more strict protocols along side my manager. I enjoy working within security and hope to go further viewing this as a career and not just a job.

Allan Daniel Morrison


Full name Allan Daniel Morrison
Height 175 cm
Weight 75 kg
Nationality UK
Courses Close Protection Operative, Combined Firearms Course
Education Standard grade achieved
Last Place of Work Security Operative at CTDI in Glenrothes
Languages English
Weapons AK, CZ 75, Glock
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Ebssa review

We are pleased to notice that Allan Daniel Morrison has strong and well-developed professional and interpersonal skills; he is able to perform different functions. Always motivated and involved in any task he can be characterized as a reliable and trustworthy person.